quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2024

KUKA Load, agora na web


(English version here)

Uma conversa com um amigo hoje mais cedo me fez lembrar de algo que não mencionei por aqui, mas que talvez seja do interesse de muita gente.

O KUKA.Load não existe mais!

Pelo menos não da maneira que a gente conhecia.

Até onde sei, a última versão disponibilizada pela KUKA como um instalador normal foi a 5.0.38, lançada em 2022.

De lá pra cá, o KUKA.Load agora é uma ferramenta online.

Entendo as vantagens que esse tipo de mudança tem para as empresas, mas tenho minhas dúvidas que elas se apresentem nas mesmas proporções para os usuários finais.

Softwares online tem uma série de vantages: usuários vão sempre utilizar as versões mais atuais. Além disso, dispensam pré-requisitos como dependências do Windows ou softwares adicionais, como o Excel. E já presenciei mais de uma vez problemas em projetos porque foram utilizadas versões incorretas de softwares desse tipo. Na versão antiga/incorreta, o robô passava na avaliação. Na versão atualizada, o mesmo robô, com as mesmas cargas era reprovado.

Por outro lado, acesso a internet ainda é um problema em muitos ambientes industriais, e para utilizar essa nova versão do KUKA Load  também é necessário uma conta no My.KUKA, que exige email corporativo e aprovação da empresa.

Mais informações podem ser encontradas aqui


E, caso tenha batido a curiosidade, segue abaixo o link direto para o novo KUKA Load.


KUKA Load, now on the web

(Versão em português aqui)

A conversation with a friend earlier today reminded me of something that I haven't mentioned here, but that might be of interest to many people.

KUKA.Load no longer exists!

At least not in the form that we knew it.

As far as I know, the last version made available by KUKA as a normal installer was 5.0.38, released in 2022.

Since then, KUKA.Load has become an online tool.

I understand the advantages that this type of change has for companies, but I have my doubts that they will be equally beneficial for end users.

Online software has a number of advantages: users will always use the most current versions. In addition, they do not require prerequisites such as Windows dependencies or additional software, such as Excel. And I have seen problems in projects more than once because incorrect versions of this type of software were used. In the old/incorrect version, the robot passed the evaluation. In the updated version, the same robot, with the same loads, failed.

On the other hand, internet access is still a problem in many industrial environments, and to use this new version of KUKA Load, you also need a My.KUKA account, which requires a corporate email address and company approval.

More information can be found here


And, if you're curious, the direct link to the new KUKA Load is below.


terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2023

KUKA WorkVisual Debug Mode - PT

Um recurso que está disponível no WorkVisual já faz uns bons anos, mas que nunca tinha me chamado a atenção, até algumas semanas atrás, era o debug mode, que tem me ajudado a desvendar alguns mistérios em um projeto recente.

Ele permite, com alguns ajustes, ver o fluxo do programa, em tempo real,dentro do WorkVisual e eu achei um método de análise muito melhor do que o caller stack do Smartpad.

O vídeo abaixo resumem bem o processo (e pode ser baixado na central de downloads da KUKA).

Só leve em consideração que o mesmo foi feito na época do WorkVisual 4, e algumas coisas mudaram de lá pra cá.

KUKA WorkVisual Debug Mode - EN

A feature that has been available in WorkVisual for some years, but that had never caught my attention until a few weeks ago, is the debug mode, which has helped me unravel some mysteries in a recent project.

It allows, with some adjustments, to see the program flow, in real time, within WorkVisual and I found it to be a much better analysis method than Smartpad's caller stack.

The video below summarizes the process well (and can be downloaded from the KUKA download center).

Just take into account that the same was done at the time of WorkVisual 4, and some things have changed since then.

quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2023

MotoSim JobPad (EN)

MotoSim, Yaskawa's simulation software, has three programming interfaces that can be used to make changes to jobs: VPP (Virtual Teach Pendant, SimplePP and JobPad. There is also Visual Path Edit, but as it's scope is limited to changing point locations, I'll leave it out of this article, although it's also an interesting tool.

VPP is the virtual teach pendant, and SimplePP is a very simplified version of VPP, which is better for some operations, because you can see more program lines in it.

However, one of the features that I find most interesting and least talked about in MotoSim is the JobPad, an internal text editor, which has some extra features, such as:

* Syntax highlighting
* autocomplete
* Find and replace tools
* Display of jobs in tabs, that is, it is possible to work with more than one job at the same time
* syntax check

As not everything is perfect, there are several aspects of the JobPad that could be improved. For example:

- The only file operation possible in the JobPad is to create a new job. It is not possible to duplicate, delete or do any kind of manipulation with job files. You will need to do this via VPP or SimplePP.
- Improve error messages when checking syntax, and check when saving files. The check tells you which line contains the error, but doesn't go into much detail about what the error might be.
- Automatic synchronization between the three editors: modifications made in the JobPad are automatically reflected in the other two editors after saving the job. But modifications made in SimplePad or VPP are not automatically reflected in JobPad. It is necessary to open the job again.

Anyway, as it stands today, JobPad is already a handy tool, and is especially useful when creating/editing very large programs. And since the jobs are text files, it's also possible to do the heavy lifting in a more traditional editor, then copy and paste the program into the JobPad and use it just to do syntax checking and small final adjustments.

This Yaskawa Nordic video, narrated in what I assume is Swedish, is a good showcase about JobPad usage.


Do you use the JobPad in your day to day work with Yaskawa robots?